“My MOM gave me breath,
but KUSUDI gave me life.” ~ SHAYLENE T
⭐Founder and CEO of Creators of Reality Academy
⭐Facilitator of Human Transformation

What if you were the cause for everything you’re currently experiencing in your life?
If not, that means something else has more power over you to create your future.
If so, that would mean you have the power to be at cause and create everything you desire to experience. I only work with this kind of person.
I’ve been privileged enough to share space with influencers, stay at home moms, celebrities, business tycoons, singers, real estate investors, actors, government officials, healthcare professionals, coaches, police captains, reiki healers, and c-suite executives showing them all how their way of being and thoughts are shaping the very world they physically experience. Good, bad and indifferent.
Everything outwardly is a manifestation, a reflection, of who you are being inwardly at the deepest depths. Everything you’ve created; your finances – relationships – happiness – success, or lack of, is a mirror of your inner creator. Shift the being, shift the future, in any aspect of life. I work with clients who are committed to doing this work. Going inwardly to bring awareness to the parts that are creating unfavorable results, do the work to transform their self-identity, which in turn transforms the life they experience.
I’ve witnessed revitalized marriages, the birth of businesses, personal fulfillment achieved, exponential financial growth, restored self-esteem, healed family bonds, confidence breakthroughs, self love embraced, and dreams materializing from uncertainty. This is the power of commitment; it drives exceptional transformations.
If delving into the relationship between who you are, and the results you have resonates with you, take a step forward. Reach out or go below to directly book a session. Be ready though. You’ll see only always has it been you, and only always will it be you. And from that state is liberation to create something new.
“If you are reading this right now, choose a new way of being in this moment by leaning into what is possible for you by tapping in with Kusudi. The only thing you have to lose is your current reality which is a gift, as your future self is waiting for YOU.”
– Marsha
Are You Ready To Close The Gap Between Your REALITY And Your POTENTIAL?
Apply for coaching today and let’s see how I can help you truly create in reality all your goals, dreams and desires.